Friday, August 29, 2008

Ciel brouillé

Oh my dearest darlings. I am petty, jealous of stupid nothings and entirely unwilling to move on and do what I actually need to do.

Also, I think my computer at home is broken.
This is far from pleasing.

Cloudy Sky
One would say that your look was covered with vapor,
Your mysterious eyes (are they blue, grey or green?)
Alternately tender, dreamy, cruel,
Reflect the apathy and the pallor of the sky.

You bring back these white days, warm and misty,
That make enchanted hearts dissolve into tears,
When, stirred by an unknown evil that wrings them,
The over-stimulated nerves mock the sleeping spirit.

You sometimes resemble these beautiful horizons
Which the suns of hazy seasons light up…
How you shine, wet landscape
Set afire by rays falling from a cloudy sky!

Oh dangerous woman, oh seductive climates!
Will I adore also your snow and your frosts,
And will I know to draw from the unrelenting winter
Pleasures sharper than ice and iron?

Ciel brouillé

On dirait ton regard d'une vapeur couvert;
Ton oeil mystérieux (est-il bleu, gris ou vert?)
Alternativement tendre, rêveur, cruel,
Réfléchit l'indolence et la pâleur du ciel.

Tu rappelles ces jours blancs, tièdes et voilés,
Qui font se fondre en pleurs les coeurs ensorcelés,
Quand, agités d'un mal inconnu qui les tord,
Les nerfs trop éveillés raillent l'esprit qui dort.

Tu ressembles parfois à ces beaux horizons
Qu'allument les soleils des brumeuses saisons...
Comme tu resplendis, paysage mouillé
Qu'enflamment les rayons tombant d'un ciel brouillé!

Ô femme dangereuse, ô séduisants climats!
Adorerai-je aussi ta neige et vos frimas,
Et saurai-je tirer de l'implacable hiver
Des plaisirs plus aigus que la glace et le fer?

This is not what I anticipated. Oh gods. Why do I feel this way?
His eyes were a weird, indescribable color.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Le Poison

And last night could probably be considered a bad night.

Wine knows how to cover the most squalid hellhole,
With a miraculous luxury,
And makes more than one fantastic frame appear,
In the gold of its red steam,
Like a sun hidden in a nebulous sky.

Opium expands that which has no borders,
Elongates the unlimited,
Deepens time, excavates voluptuousness,
And with dark and dreary pleasures
Fills up the soul above its capacity.

All that is not worth the poison which ensues
From your eyes, from your green eyes,
Lakes where my soul trembles and sees itself inside out…
My dreams come in mass
To quench their thirst in these bitter chasms.

All that is not worth the terrible wonder
Of your biting saliva,
That plunges my remorseless soul into oblivion,
And carrying the dizziness,
Rolls it fainting to the shores of death!

Le Poison

Le vin sait revêtir le plus sordide bouge
D'un luxe miraculeux,
Et fait surgir plus d'un portique fabuleux
Dans l'or de sa vapeur rouge,
Comme un soleil couchant dans un ciel nébuleux.

L'opium agrandit ce qui n'a pas de bornes,
Allonge l'illimité,
Approfondit le temps, creuse la volupté,
Et de plaisirs noirs et mornes
Remplit l'âme au delà de sa capacité.

Tout cela ne vaut pas le poison qui découle
De tes yeux, de tes yeux verts,
Lacs où mon âme tremble et se voit à l'envers...
Mes songes viennent en foule
Pour se désaltérer à ces gouffres amers.

Tout cela ne vaut pas le terrible prodige
De ta salive qui mord,
Qui plonge dans l'oubli mon âme sans remords,
Et charriant le vertige,
La roule défaillante aux rives de la mort!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Le Flacon

And the children have all returned.

The Flask
There are strong perfumes for which all material
Is porous. One would say that they penetrate the glass.
In opening a casket that came from the East
Whose shouting lock screeches and grumbles,

Or in a deserted house some armoire
Full of time’s acrid odor, dark and dusty,
At times one finds an old flask that remembers,
From where gushes out a living soul which returns.

A thousand thoughts slept, gloomy chrysalises,
Trembling gently in the heavy darkness,
That release their wings and take their flight,
Colored with blue, frozen with rose, spangled with gold.

This is the heady memory that flutters
In the cloudy air; eyes close; Vertigo
Seizes the vanquished soul, and pushes it with two hands
Towards the dark abyss of human miasma;

He crushes it on the edge of an age-old abyss,
Where, fragrant Lazarus tearing his shroud,
Moves in its awakening, a spectral cadaver
Of a rancid old love, charming and sepulchral.

Also, when I will be lost in the memory
Of men, in the corner of a sinister armoire
When one will have thrown me, sorry old flask,
Decrepit, dusty, dirty, despicable, viscous, cracked,

I will be you coffin, pleasant pestilence!
The witness to your strength and your virulence,
Beloved poison prepared for the angels! Liquor
Which eats at me, oh life and death of my heart!

Le Flacon

II est de forts parfums pour qui toute matière
Est poreuse. On dirait qu'ils pénètrent le verre.
En ouvrant un coffret venu de l'Orient
Dont la serrure grince et rechigne en criant,

Ou dans une maison déserte quelque armoire
Pleine de l'âcre odeur des temps, poudreuse et noire,
Parfois on trouve un vieux flacon qui se souvient,
D'où jaillit toute vive une âme qui revient.

Mille pensers dormaient, chrysalides funèbres,
Frémissant doucement dans les lourdes ténèbres,
Qui dégagent leur aile et prennent leur essor,
Teintés d'azur, glacés de rose, lamés d'or.

Voilà le souvenir enivrant qui voltige
Dans l'air troublé; les yeux se ferment; le Vertige
Saisit l'âme vaincue et la pousse à deux mains
Vers un gouffre obscurci de miasmes humains;

II la terrasse au bord d'un gouffre séculaire,
Où, Lazare odorant déchirant son suaire,
Se meut dans son réveil le cadavre spectral
D'un vieil amour ranci, charmant et sépulcral.

Ainsi, quand je serai perdu dans la mémoire
Des hommes, dans le coin d'une sinistre armoire
Quand on m'aura jeté, vieux flacon désolé,
Décrépit, poudreux, sale, abject, visqueux, fêlé,

Je serai ton cercueil, aimable pestilence!
Le témoin de ta force et de ta virulence,
Cher poison préparé par les anges! liqueur
Qui me ronge, ô la vie et la mort de mon coeur!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Harmonie du soir

Do I know what happened? Yes.
Do I really care about what happened? Probably not.
Please no one fuck with me today.

I love this poem. Maybe I will reflect on it when my soul is not so overcome with this wrath and sadness.

Evening Harmony
Here comes the time where quivering over the stem
Every flower evaporates like a censer;
Sounds and perfumes turn in the evening air;
Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo!

Every flower evaporates like a censer;
The violin trembles like an afflicted heart;
Melancholy waltz and languid vertigo!
The sky is sad and beautiful like a great alter.

The violin trembles like an afflicted heart,
A tender heart, which hates the nothing vast and black!
The sky is sad and beautiful like a great alter;
The sun is drowned in its clotted blood.

A tender heart, which hates the nothing vast and black,
From the luminous past gathers all relics!
The sun is drowned in its clotted blood…
Your memory in me shines like a monstrance!

Harmonie du soir
Voici venir les temps où vibrant sur sa tige
Chaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;
Les sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir;
Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige!

Chaque fleur s'évapore ainsi qu'un encensoir;
Le violon frémit comme un coeur qu'on afflige;
Valse mélancolique et langoureux vertige!
Le ciel est triste et beau comme un grand reposoir.

Le violon frémit comme un coeur qu'on afflige,
Un coeur tendre, qui hait le néant vaste et noir!
Le ciel est triste et beau comme un grand reposoir;
Le soleil s'est noyé dans son sang qui se fige.

Un coeur tendre, qui hait le néant vaste et noir,
Du passé lumineux recueille tout vestige!
Le soleil s'est noyé dans son sang qui se fige...
Ton souvenir en moi luit comme un ostensoir!

I used to read this poem to M. and he would find himself offended at the misuse of the Catholic imagery. But it was funny to watch him squirm. He and I used to lay in bed and I would read this to him in my butchered French, slurring sounds like I thought the people did over there. While one has left the other returns. The author of my drunken ramblings and the angry champagne glasses smashing on the bricks below. Blah blah blah.

When I first read this poem I tried to find a pattern with the lines but I could not. Perhaps it's better that way.

"Be careful."

Friday, August 22, 2008

L'Aube spirituelle

Posting this one a bit haphazardly so I can move on to what is truly important.

Spiritual Dawn
When among the debauchees the white and ruby dawn
Enters into the society of the gnawing Ideal,
By the workings of a vengeful mystery,
In the drowsing brute an angel wakes itself.

The unattainable blue of the Spiritual Skies,
For the man stricken man who suffers and dreams still,
Opens himself and sinks with the attraction of the abyss,
Thus, dear Goddess, Being lucid and pure,

Over the smoking debris of stupid orgies
Your memory clearer, more rosy, more charming,
Flutters incessantly in my widened eyes.

The sun has blackened the flame of the candles;
Thus, forever victorious, your phantom is similar,
Resplendent soul, to the immortal sun!

L'Aube spirituelle
Quand chez les débauchés l'aube blanche et vermeille
Entre en société de l'Idéal rongeur,
Par l'opération d'un mystère vengeur
Dans la brute assoupie un ange se réveille.

Des Cieux Spirituels l'inaccessible azur,
Pour l'homme terrassé qui rêve encore et souffre,
S'ouvre et s'enfonce avec l'attirance du gouffre.
Ainsi, chère Déesse, Etre lucide et pur,

Sur les débris fumeux des stupides orgies
Ton souvenir plus clair, plus rose, plus charmant,
À mes yeux agrandis voltige incessamment.

Le soleil a noirci la flamme des bougies;
Ainsi, toujours vainqueur, ton fantôme est pareil,
Ame resplendissante, à l'immortel soleil!
I am looking forward to getting away. Even if it is only for a little while.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


One time, only once, sweet and amiable woman,
On my arm your polished arm
Rested itself (over the dark pit of my heart
This memory has not grown pale);

It was late; like a brand new medal
The full sun spread itself out,
And the solemnity of the night, like a river,
Streamed down over sleeping Paris.

And along the houses, over the carriage doors,
The cats passed furtively
The ear on the lookout, or, like beloved shadows,
They slowly accompanied us.

Suddenly, in the middle of the empty closeness,
Hatched in the pale clarity
Of you, rich and sonorous instrument where vibrates
Only the radiant gaiety,

Of you, clear and joyful like a fanfare
In the glittering morning
A mournful note, a curious note
Escaped, all staggering

Like a sickly child, hideous, somber, revolting,
Who made his family redden,
And that they for a long time, to hide him from the world,
Put into a secret cave.

Poor angel, it sang, your screeching note:
“That nothing down here is certain,
And that always, though it disguises itself carefully,
Human selfishness reveals itself;

That it is a tough profession to be a beautiful woman,
And that it is the trivial job
Of the cold and crazy dancer who swoons
In her mechanical smile;

That to build over hearts is a silly thing;
And that all cracks, love and beauty,
Until Oblivion throws them into his basket
To give them back to Eternity!”

I have often evoked that enchanted moon,
That silence and that languor,
And that horrible confidence whispered
In the heart’s confessional.

Une fois, une seule, aimable et douce femme,
À mon bras votre bras poli
S'appuya (sur le fond ténébreux de mon âme
Ce souvenir n'est point pâli);

II était tard; ainsi qu'une médaille neuve
La pleine lune s'étalait,
Et la solennité de la nuit, comme un fleuve,
Sur Paris dormant ruisselait.

Et le long des maisons, sous les portes cochères,
Des chats passaient furtivement
L'oreille au guet, ou bien, comme des ombres chères,
Nous accompagnaient lentement.

Tout à coup, au milieu de l'intimité libre
Eclose à la pâle clarté
De vous, riche et sonore instrument où ne vibre
Que la radieuse gaieté,

De vous, claire et joyeuse ainsi qu'une fanfare
Dans le matin étincelant
Une note plaintive, une note bizarre
S'échappa, tout en chancelant

Comme une enfant chétive, horrible, sombre, immonde,
Dont sa famille rougirait,
Et qu'elle aurait longtemps, pour la cacher au monde,
Dans un caveau mise au secret.

Pauvre ange, elle chantait, votre note criarde:
«Que rien ici-bas n'est certain,
Et que toujours, avec quelque soin qu'il se farde,
Se trahit l'égoïsme humain;

Que c'est un dur métier que d'être belle femme,
Et que c'est le travail banal
De la danseuse folle et froide qui se pâme
Dans son sourire machinal;

Que bâtir sur les coeurs est une chose sotte;
Que tout craque, amour et beauté,
Jusqu'à ce que l'Oubli les jette dans sa hotte
Pour les rendre à l'Eternité!»

J'ai souvent évoqué cette lune enchantée,
Ce silence et cette langueur,
Et cette confidence horrible chuchotée
Au confessionnal du coeur.


It's mornings like this where I need to keep in mind that murder is 20-to-life in most cases. Oh, venal muse where the hell are you this morning?

For all the bullshit that this day promises, at least this poem is beautiful.


Angel full of gaiety, do you know anguish,
Shame, remorse, sobs, ennui,
And the vague terrors of these dreadful nights
Which compress the heart like crumpled paper?
Angel full of gaiety, do you know anguish?

Angel full of kindness, do you know hatred,
The clenched fists in the shadow and the tears of malice,
When Vengeance beats his infernal recall,
And of our powers he makes himself the captain?
Angel full of kindness, do you know hatred?

Angel full of health, do you know Fevers,
Which, along the great walls of the wan hospital,
Like exiles, they go in with a lagging foot,
Stirring lips and looking for the seldom sun?
Angel full of health, do you know Fevers?

Angel full of beauty, do you know wrinkles,
And the fear of aging, and this hideous torment
Of reading the secret horror of devotion
In the eyes where long drank our own greedy ones?
Angel full of beauty, do you know wrinkles?

Angel full of pleasure, of joy and of light,
Dying David would have demanded the health
From the emanations of your enchanted body;
But from you, angel, I implore only your prayers,
Angel full of pleasure, of joy and of light!

Ange plein de gaieté, connaissez-vous l'angoisse,
La honte, les remords, les sanglots, les ennuis,
Et les vagues terreurs de ces affreuses nuits
Qui compriment le coeur comme un papier qu'on froisse?
Ange plein de gaieté, connaissez-vous l'angoisse?

Ange plein de bonté, connaissez-vous la haine,
Les poings crispés dans l'ombre et les larmes de fiel,
Quand la Vengeance bat son infernal rappel,
Et de nos facultés se fait le capitaine?
Ange plein de bonté connaissez-vous la haine?

Ange plein de santé, connaissez-vous les Fièvres,
Qui, le long des grands murs de l'hospice blafard,
Comme des exilés, s'en vont d'un pied traînard,
Cherchant le soleil rare et remuant les lèvres?
Ange plein de santé, connaissez-vous les Fièvres?

Ange plein de beauté, connaissez-vous les rides,
Et la peur de vieillir, et ce hideux tourment
De lire la secrète horreur du dévouement
Dans des yeux où longtemps burent nos yeux avide!
Ange plein de beauté, connaissez-vous les rides?

Ange plein de bonheur, de joie et de lumières,
David mourant aurait demandé la santé
Aux émanations de ton corps enchanté;
Mais de toi je n'implore, ange, que tes prières,
Ange plein de bonheur, de joie et de lumières!
Summer will be over in a matter of days. It's time to start being responsible.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire/Le Flambeau Vivant

Things are starting to heal, bridges are being built over the smoking ruins of their predecessors. I am tired but the world is okay today.

What will you say this evening, poor solitary soul
What will you say this evening, poor solitary soul,
What will you say, my heart, once shriveled heart,
To the most beautiful, the most kind, the most dear,
Whose divine look has suddenly flowered you again?

—We will wear our pride by chanting these praises:
There is nothing better than the sweetness of her authority
Her spiritual flesh has the perfume of Angels
And her eye covers us with a garment of clarity.

That this be in the night and in the solitude
That this be in the street and in the multitude
Her phantom dances in the air like a flame.

Sometimes it speaks and says: “I am beautiful and I order
That for the love of me you love only Beauty;
I am the guardian Angel, the Muse and the Madonna.”

Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire
Que diras-tu ce soir, pauvre âme solitaire,
Que diras-tu, mon coeur, coeur autrefois flétri,
À la très belle, à la très bonne, à la très chère,
Dont le regard divin t'a soudain refleuri?

— Nous mettrons notre orgueil à chanter ses louanges:
Rien ne vaut la douceur de son autorité
Sa chair spirituelle a le parfum des Anges
Et son oeil nous revêt d'un habit de clarté.

Que ce soit dans la nuit et dans la solitude
Que ce soit dans la rue et dans la multitude
Son fantôme dans l'air danse comme un flambeau.

Parfois il parle et dit: «Je suis belle, et j'ordonne
Que pour l'amour de moi vous n'aimiez que le Beau;
Je suis l'Ange gardien, la Muse et la Madone.»

The Living Torch
They walk before me, these Eyes fraught with light,
Which a much-learned Angel has magnetized without doubt
They walk, these divine brothers that are my brothers,
Shaking their glittering fires in my eyes.

They save me from all pitfalls and from all somber sins,
They lead my steps in the way of Beauty
They are my servants and I am their slave
All of my being obeys that living flame.

Beguiling Eyes, you shine with the mystic clarity
That has the candles burning in full daylight; the sun
Reddens, but they do not extinguish their fantastic flame;

They celebrate Death, you chant the Awakening
You walk in chanting the awaking of my soul,
Stars whose flame no sun can fade!

Le Flambeau vivant
Ils marchent devant moi, ces Yeux pleins de lumières,
Qu'un Ange très savant a sans doute aimantés
Ils marchent, ces divins frères qui sont mes frères,
Secouant dans mes yeux leurs feux diamantés.

Me sauvant de tout piège et de tout péché grave,
Ils conduisent mes pas dans la route du Beau
Ils sont mes serviteurs et je suis leur esclave
Tout mon être obéit à ce vivant flambeau.

Charmants Yeux, vous brillez de la clarté mystique
Qu'ont les cierges brûlant en plein jour; le soleil
Rougit, mais n'éteint pas leur flamme fantastique;

Ils célèbrent la Mort, vous chantez le Réveil
Vous marchez en chantant le réveil de mon âme,
Astres dont nul soleil ne peut flétrir la flamme!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Semper eadem/Tout entière

For once I believe that I have nothing to say.

Semper Eadem
“From where do you come, you said, that strange sadness,
Rising up like the sea over the black and naked rock?”
—When our heart has once harvested its vineyard
Living is an evil. It is a secret known to all,

A simple and non-mysterious pain
And, like your joy, sparkling for all.
So you cease from searching, oh curious beauty!
And, although your voice is sweet, be silent!

Be silent, ignorant! Ever-delighted soul!
Mouth with the infantile laugh! Still more than Life,
Death holds us often by subtle strings.

Leave, leave my heart gets drunk from a falsehood,
Plunging into your beautiful eyes like a lovely dream
And dozing for a long time in the shadow of your lashes!

Semper Eadem
«D'où vous vient, disiez-vous, cette tristesse étrange,
Montant comme la mer sur le roc noir et nu?»
— Quand notre coeur a fait une fois sa vendange
Vivre est un mal. C'est un secret de tous connu,

Une douleur très simple et non mystérieuse
Et, comme votre joie, éclatante pour tous.
Cessez donc de chercher, ô belle curieuse!
Et, bien que votre voix soit douce, taisez-vous!

Taisez-vous, ignorante! âme toujours ravie!
Bouche au rire enfantin! Plus encor que la Vie,
La Mort nous tient souvent par des liens subtils.

Laissez, laissez mon coeur s'enivrer d'un mensonge,
Plonger dans vos beaux yeux comme dans un beau songe
Et sommeiller longtemps à l'ombre de vos cils!

All Entirety
The Demon, in my high chamber
This morning is come to see me,
And, trying to bring me into fault
Said to me: “I would want to know well

Among all the beautiful things
Which made her enchantment,
Among the objects black and red
Which compose her charming body,

Which is the most sweet?” –Oh my soul!
You answered to the Abominate:
“Since in Her all is dittany,
Nothing can be preferred.

When everything ravishes me, I do not know
If some thing seduces me.
She dazzles like the Daybreak
And comforts like the Night;

And the harmony is too exquisite,
That governs her entire beautiful body,
For impotent analysis
In noting the numerous chords.

Oh mystic metamorphosis
Of all my senses dissolving into one!
Her breathing made music,
Like her voice made perfume!”

Tout entière
Le Démon, dans ma chambre haute
Ce matin est venu me voir,
Et, tâchant à me prendre en faute
Me dit: «Je voudrais bien savoir

Parmi toutes les belles choses
Dont est fait son enchantement,
Parmi les objets noirs ou roses
Qui composent son corps charmant,

Quel est le plus doux.» — Ô mon âme!
Tu répondis à l'Abhorré:
«Puisqu'en Elle tout est dictame
Rien ne peut être préféré.

Lorsque tout me ravit, j'ignore
Si quelque chose me séduit.
Elle éblouit comme l'Aurore
Et console comme la Nuit;

Et l'harmonie est trop exquise,
Qui gouverne tout son beau corps,
Pour que l'impuissante analyse
En note les nombreux accords.

Ô métamorphose mystique
De tous mes sens fondus en un!
Son haleine fait la musique,
Comme sa voix fait le parfum!»

Monday, August 18, 2008

Je te donne ces vers afin que si mon nom

I am very happy about this poem, primarily because it is the one that I gave him as a parting gift. I picked it for its snarkiness and for the grandiose declarations of the poet doing various grandiose things while the muse sits weeping on a pedestal. I thought it was delicious.

He thought it was beautiful.

I give you these verses so that if my name
I give you these verses so that if my name
Happily reaches into distant epochs,
And one night brings human minds into dreaming,
Vessel favored by a great North wind,

Your memory, parallel to doubtful fables,
Will tire the reader like a dulcimer,
And by a brotherly and mysterious bond
Remain hanged from my haughty rhymes;

Accursed being to whom, from the deep abyss
Up to the highest heaven, nothing, beyond me, replies!
—Oh you who, like a shadow to the fleeting mark,

Tread with a light foot and a quiet look
The stupid mortals who have judged you bitter,
Jet-eyed statue, great angel with a brow of bronze!

Je te donne ces vers afin que si mon nom
Je te donne ces vers afin que si mon nom
Aborde heureusement aux époques lointaines,
Et fait rêver un soir les cervelles humaines,
Vaisseau favorisé par un grand aquilon,

Ta mémoire, pareille aux fables incertaines,
Fatigue le lecteur ainsi qu'un tympanon,
Et par un fraternel et mystique chaînon
Reste comme pendue à mes rimes hautaines;

Être maudit à qui, de l'abîme profond
Jusqu'au plus haut du ciel, rien, hors moi, ne répond!
— Ô toi qui, comme une ombre à la trace éphémère,

Foules d'un pied léger et d'un regard serein
Les stupides mortels qui t'ont jugée amère,
Statue aux yeux de jais, grand ange au front d'airain!

Un Fantome: Le Cadre, Le Portrait

I suppose we could call it paranoia, or just a strange coincidence. I don't believe in coincidences. What I do believe in is the power of one's own fist against the skull of their co-worker.
Please kill me now. Too many drinks, not enough sleep, and an unsettling dream which somehow combined elements of The Other Boleyn Girl, Sin City, and my past life.

Here is the rest of the poem.

A Phantom

III. The Frame

Like a beautiful frame adds to the painting,
Even though she is from a much-vaunted brush,
A strange and enchanted something
In the isolation of immense nature,

Thus jewels, furnishings, metals, gildings,
Adapted rightly to her rare beauty,
Nothing offended her perfect clarity
And all seemed to serve as a frame for her.

One even would have said at times she believed
That all wanted to love her; she drowned
Her nudity voluptuously

In the kisses of satin and linens,
And, slow or sudden, to every moment
Showed the infantile grace of an ape.

IV. The Portrait

Sickness and Death make ashes
Of all the fire that flared up for us.
Of these great eyes so fervent and so tender,
Of that mouth where my heart drowned itself,

Of these kisses strong like dittany,
Of these transports more vivid than light rays,
What remains? It is dreadful, oh my soul!
Nothing but a strongly pale design, in three colors,

Which, like me, dies in the solitude,
And which Time, abusive elder,
Rubs every day with his rough wing…

Black assassin of Life and of Art,
You will never kill in my memory
That which was my pleasure and my glory!

Un Fantome

III. Le Cadre

Comme un beau cadre ajoute à la peinture,
Bien qu'elle soit d'un pinceau très-vanté,
Je ne sais quoi d'étrange et d'enchanté
En l'isolant de l'immense nature,

Ainsi bijoux, meubles, métaux, dorure,
S'adaptaient juste à sa rare beauté;
Rien n'offusquait sa parfaite clarté,
Et tout semblait lui servir de bordure.

Même on eût dit parfois qu'elle croyait
Que tout voulait l'aimer; elle noyait
Sa nudité voluptueusement

Dans les baisers du satin et du linge,
Et, lente ou brusque, à chaque mouvement
Montrait la grâce enfantine du singe.

IV. Le Portrait

La Maladie et la Mort font des cendres
De tout le feu qui pour nous flamboya.
De ces grands yeux si fervents et si tendres,
De cette bouche où mon coeur se noya,

De ces baisers puissants comme un dictame,
De ces transports plus vifs que des rayons,
Que reste-t-il? C'est affreux, ô mon âme!
Rien qu'un dessin fort pâle, aux trois crayons,

Qui, comme moi, meurt dans la solitude,
Et que le Temps, injurieux vieillard,
Chaque jour frotte avec son aile rude...

Noir assassin de la Vie et de l'Art,
Tu ne tueras jamais dans ma mémoire
Celle qui fut mon plaisir et ma gloire!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Un Fantôme: Les Ténèbres, Le Parfum

I found it quite funny that she too started a blog, just in time for me to stop caring about the one thing that we had in common. This also came right on the heels of a rather unsettling piece of news from one G. who said that someone was reading this site and making comments about it on porches. I find this more amusing than anything else, mostly because this blog was originally for the sake of indulging my own rather stupid melodrama in the hopes that I could purge it from my soul. It's done the trick more or less, and since I never really intended for any of the interested parties to see it then I daresay that this turn of events is probably not in my favor. But I think it shouldn't matter to me. I have no reputation to shatter. If G. knows then so does P. and then W. and then probably A. Oh, we are all connected to each other. Ha ha ha.

The next poem I split up since it is effectively four poems in one.

A Phantom

I. The Darkness
In the cave of unfathomable sadness
Where Destiny has already relegated me;
Where never enters a rose and happy ray;
Where, alone with the Night, sullen hostess,

I am like a painter that a scoffing God
Condemns to paint, alas! On the darkness;
Where, cooking for the ghastly appetites
I boil and eat my own heart,

For moments that shone, that lengthened, that spread
A ghost made of grace and splendor.
By its dreamy, oriental appearance,
When it reaches its absolute grandeur,
I recognize my beautiful visitor:

It is She! Black and yet luminous.

II. The Perfume
Reader, have you sometimes breathed
With exhilaration and slow-moving greed
That grain of incense that refills a church,
Or from a sachet the inveterate musk?

Deep charm, magic, by which we grow tipsy,
In the present the past restored!
So the lover on a worshipped body
Picks from memory the exquisite bloom.

From her weighty and elastic hair,
Living sachet, censer of the alcove,
A scent went up, savage and brown,

And from her clothes, muslin or velvet,
Completely imbued with her flawless youth,
She released a perfume of fur.

Un Fantôme

I. Les Ténèbres

Dans les caveaux d'insondable tristesse
Où le Destin m'a déjà relégué;
Où jamais n'entre un rayon rose et gai;
Où, seul avec la Nuit, maussade hôtesse,

Je suis comme un peintre qu'un Dieu moqueur
Condamne à peindre, hélas! sur les ténèbres;
Où, cuisinier aux appétits funèbres,
Je fais bouillir et je mange mon coeur,

Par instants brille, et s'allonge, et s'étale
Un spectre fait de grâce et de splendeur.
À sa rêveuse allure orientale,
Quand il atteint sa totale grandeur,
Je reconnais ma belle visiteuse:

C'est Elle! noire et pourtant lumineuse.

II. Le Parfum
Lecteur, as-tu quelquefois respiré
Avec ivresse et lente gourmandise
Ce grain d'encens qui remplit une église,
Ou d'un sachet le musc invétéré?

Charme profond, magique, dont nous grise
Dans le présent le passé restauré!
Ainsi l'amant sur un corps adoré
Du souvenir cueille la fleur exquise.

De ses cheveux élastiques et lourds,
Vivant sachet, encensoir de l'alcôve,
Une senteur montait, sauvage et fauve,

Et des habits, mousseline ou velours,
Tout imprégnés de sa jeunesse pure,
Se dégageait un parfum de fourrure.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Le Possédé

I feel stupid and useless today. On these days I find myself staring at poems full of words that I know I know but for some reason cannot immediately recognize. Maybe I am just hungry or something.

The Possessed
The sun is covered with crepe. Like him,
Oh moon of my life! Swaddle yourself with shadow
Sleep or smoke to your will; be silent, be somber,
And plunge your whole entirety into the abyss of Ennui.

I love you so! Yet, if you wished today,
Like an eclipsed star that draws out from the half-light,
To strut yourself about in the places which Folly obstructs
That is fine! Charming dagger, spring from your pouch!

Light your pupils with the flame of the chandeliers!
Light the desire in the looks of the louts!
All of you to me is pleasure, morbid or exuberant;

Be that which you want, black night, red daybreak;
There is not one fiber in my whole trembling body
That does not cry: Oh my dear Beelzebub, I adore you!

Le Possédé
Le soleil s'est couvert d'un crêpe. Comme lui,
Ô Lune de ma vie! emmitoufle-toi d'ombre
Dors ou fume à ton gré; sois muette, sois sombre,
Et plonge tout entière au gouffre de l'Ennui;

Je t'aime ainsi! Pourtant, si tu veux aujourd'hui,
Comme un astre éclipsé qui sort de la pénombre,
Te pavaner aux lieux que la Folie encombre
C'est bien! Charmant poignard, jaillis de ton étui!

Allume ta prunelle à la flamme des lustres!
Allume le désir dans les regards des rustres!
Tout de toi m'est plaisir, morbide ou pétulant;

Sois ce que tu voudras, nuit noire, rouge aurore;
II n'est pas une fibre en tout mon corps tremblant
Qui ne crie: Ô mon cher Belzébuth, je t'adore!

Oh, more melodrama.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Le Balcon

I am seriously thinking about boycotting facebook, simply because it reminds me of people and places that I would do well never to think of again. Not just because of him either. Right now he is the least of my worries.

Right now my room is a chaotic orgy of heavy books, piles of clothing, and tons of sacred little knick-knacks which could be destroyed with a touch. Not a terribly good combination I think. I will be settled for good in about two weeks. Until then I am sleeping inches above the floor and waking up to the sound of obnoxious passersby in the street.

The boy's departure has stuffed me full of ennui, sure, but it's beginning to die. I have much more important things to be upset about. Like the fact that I have fallen behind on posting. Here goes!

The Balcony
Mother of memories, mistress of mistresses,
Oh you, all my pleasures! Oh you, all my duties!
You will bring back to me the beauty of caresses,
The sweetness of home and the charm of evenings,
Mother of memories, mistress of mistresses!

The evenings illuminated by the fire of charcoal,
And the evenings on the balcony, veiled with rosy vapors.
How your breast was sweet to me! How your heart was good to me!
You have often told of imperishable things
The evenings illuminated by the fire of charcoal.

How lovely are the suns in the warm evenings!
How the space is deep! How the heart is strong!
In my tilting towards you, queen of the beloved,
I believe to breathe the perfume of your blood.
How lovely are the suns in the warm evenings!

The night deepened itself as a dividing wall,
And my eyes in the dark discerned your eyes,
And I drank your breathing, sweetness! Poison!
And your feet went to sleep in my brotherly hands.
The night deepened itself as a dividing wall.

I know the art of evoking happy moments,
And I see my past again huddled in your knees.
For what good is it to search for languid beauties
Elsewhere than in your dear body and your heart so sweet?
I know the art of evoking happy moments!

These promises, these perfumes, these unending kisses,
Are they reborn from a chasm forbidding of our sounds,
Like the rejuvenated suns go up to the heavens
After being washed in the depths of the deep seas?
—Oh promises, oh perfumes, oh unending kisses!

Le Balcon
Mère des souvenirs, maîtresse des maîtresses,
Ô toi, tous mes plaisirs! ô toi, tous mes devoirs!
Tu te rappelleras la beauté des caresses,
La douceur du foyer et le charme des soirs,
Mère des souvenirs, maîtresse des maîtresses!

Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon,
Et les soirs au balcon, voilés de vapeurs roses.
Que ton sein m'était doux! que ton coeur m'était bon!
Nous avons dit souvent d'impérissables choses
Les soirs illuminés par l'ardeur du charbon.

Que les soleils sont beaux dans les chaudes soirées!
Que l'espace est profond! que le coeur est puissant!
En me penchant vers toi, reine des adorées,
Je croyais respirer le parfum de ton sang.
Que les soleils sont beaux dans les chaudes soirées!

La nuit s'épaississait ainsi qu'une cloison,
Et mes yeux dans le noir devinaient tes prunelles,
Et je buvais ton souffle, ô douceur! ô poison!
Et tes pieds s'endormaient dans mes mains fraternelles.
La nuit s'épaississait ainsi qu'une cloison.

Je sais l'art d'évoquer les minutes heureuses,
Et revis mon passé blotti dans tes genoux.
Car à quoi bon chercher tes beautés langoureuses
Ailleurs qu'en ton cher corps et qu'en ton coeur si doux?
Je sais l'art d'évoquer les minutes heureuses!

Ces serments, ces parfums, ces baisers infinis,
Renaîtront-ils d'un gouffre interdit à nos sondes,
Comme montent au ciel les soleils rajeunis
Après s'être lavés au fond des mers profondes?
— Ô serments! ô parfums! ô baisers infinis!
M. says I have become increasingly melodramatic since summer began. This is probably true.

Le Chat/Duellum

I am tired. I am heartbroken. Jesus, I just don't care.

The Cat
Come, my beautiful cat, over my amorous heart,
Hold back the talons of your paw,
And let me plunge into your beautiful eyes,
Mixed of metal and agate.

When my fingers caress with leisure
Your head and your elastic back,
And so my hand is drunk with pleasure
From feeling your electric body,

I see my women in spirit. Her look,
Like that of yours, agreeable beauty
Profound and cold, cut and cleaves like a spear,

And, from the feet up to the head,
A subtle air, a dangerous perfume,
Swims around her brown body.

Le Chat
Viens, mon beau chat, sur mon coeur amoureux;
Retiens les griffes de ta patte,
Et laisse-moi plonger dans tes beaux yeux,
Mêlés de métal et d'agate.

Lorsque mes doigts caressent à loisir
Ta tête et ton dos élastique,
Et que ma main s'enivre du plaisir
De palper ton corps électrique,

Je vois ma femme en esprit. Son regard,
Comme le tien, aimable bête
Profond et froid, coupe et fend comme un dard,

Et, des pieds jusques à la tête,
Un air subtil, un dangereux parfum
Nagent autour de son corps brun.

Two warriors have run, the one over the other, their weapons
Have spattered the air with gleams and with blood.
These games, these rattles of iron are the rackets
Of a youth prey to crying love.

The blades are broken! Like your youth,
My dear! But the teeth, the blistering nails,
They soon avenge the sword and the traitorous spike.
—Oh frenzy of mature hearts ulcerated by love!

In the ravine haunted by mountain lions and leopards
Our heroes, spitefully grasping each other, have rolled,
And their skin will flower the dryness of the rocks.

—This abyss, it is the hell, peopled with our friends!
Let us roll in remorse, cold-blooded amazon,
So to perpetuate the fire of our hate!


Deux guerriers ont couru l'un sur l'autre, leurs armes
Ont éclaboussé l'air de lueurs et de sang.
Ces jeux, ces cliquetis du fer sont les vacarmes
D'une jeunesse en proie à l'amour vagissant.

Les glaives sont brisés! comme notre jeunesse,
Ma chère! Mais les dents, les ongles acérés,
Vengent bientôt l'épée et la dague traîtresse.
— Ô fureur des coeurs mûrs par l'amour ulcérés!

Dans le ravin hanté des chats-pards et des onces
Nos héros, s'étreignant méchamment, ont roulé,
Et leur peau fleurira l'aridité des ronces.

— Ce gouffre, c'est l'enfer, de nos amis peuplé!
Roulons-y sans remords, amazone inhumaine,
Afin d'éterniser l'ardeur de notre haine!

I want those autumn nights back, right.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Une nuit que j'étais près d'une affreuse Juive/Remords posthume

I want to say that things are slightly better this morning. I managed to wake up without wanting anyone in particular to die. Things are better, I guess. I am forgetting more and more things and that is quite alright with me.

Last night we sat in N's room and watched the smoke drift up to the ceiling. I spend most of my time in their rooms, mine are too large and echoing. He and I used to sit there, overcrowded, breathing the same smoke and avoiding each others' eyes. He is gone for real, forever and it would not be so bad if I were not reminded of him at every turn. He is a part of everything and as such I can only work to hasten my own departure. I cannot stay here. I simply cannot.

I am also grateful that Mon. Baudelaire has finally written a poem that I am unable to mold and stretch to fit my own self-imposed drama.

One night I was close to a dreadful Jewess
One night I was close to a dreadful Jewess,
Like a cadaver stretched along a cadaver,
I took myself to dreaming by that sold body
Of the sad beauty which my desire denies itself.

To myself I imagined her native majesty,
Her gaze armed with vigor and with grace,
Her hair which makes her a perfumed helmet,
And whose memory rekindles me for love.

Because I would have kissed your noble body with fervor,
And from your cold feet up to your black tresses
Unrolled the treasure of deep caresses,

If, some evening, with a tear effortlessly evoked
You could only, oh queen of cruelties!
Obscure the splendor of your cold pupils.

Une nuit que j'étais près d'une affreuse Juive
Une nuit que j'étais près d'une affreuse Juive,
Comme au long d'un cadavre un cadavre étendu,
Je me pris à songer près de ce corps vendu
À la triste beauté dont mon désir se prive.

Je me représentai sa majesté native,
Son regard de vigueur et de grâces armé,
Ses cheveux qui lui font un casque parfumé,
Et dont le souvenir pour l'amour me ravive.

Car j'eusse avec ferveur baisé ton noble corps,
Et depuis tes pieds frais jusqu'à tes noires tresses
Déroulé le trésor des profondes caresses,

Si, quelque soir, d'un pleur obtenu sans effort
Tu pouvais seulement, ô reine des cruelles!
Obscurcir la splendeur de tes froides prunelles.

Posthumous Remorse
When you will sleep, my dark beauty,
In the depths of a monument built of black marble,
When you will have for alcove and mansion
Only a rainy vault and a shallow grave,

When the stone, oppressing your cowardly breast
And your flanks that softened a charming nonchalance,
You will stop your heart from beating and from wanting,
And your feet from running their daring course,

The tomb, confident in my infinite dream
(Because the tomb will always understand the poet),
During these great nights where sleep is banished,

Will say to you: “What does it help you, imperfect concubine,
To not have known why these dead ones cry?”
—And like remorse the worms will gnaw your skin.

Remords posthume
Lorsque tu dormiras, ma belle ténébreuse,
Au fond d'un monument construit en marbre noir,
Et lorsque tu n'auras pour alcôve et manoir
Qu'un caveau pluvieux et qu'une fosse creuse;

Quand la pierre, opprimant ta poitrine peureuse
Et tes flancs qu'assouplit un charmant nonchaloir,
Empêchera ton coeur de battre et de vouloir,
Et tes pieds de courir leur course aventureuse,

Le tombeau, confident de mon rêve infini
(Car le tombeau toujours comprendra le poète),
Durant ces grandes nuits d'où le somme est banni,

Te dira: «Que vous sert, courtisane imparfaite,
De n'avoir pas connu ce que pleurent les morts?»
— Et le vers rongera ta peau comme un remords.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Le Vampire

Not really that sad anymore, just kind of miffed. I appreciate that he has not tried to contact me since arriving on his distant shore. Ah rage to love and right back again .

Everyone here is full of shit in the morning. I am thoroughly convinced that no one should be allowed to interact with me between the hours of 5 a.m. and noon. Argh.

I hate everyone today. Here we go! More Ennui!

The Vampire
You who, like a stroke of a knife,
Entered into my mournful heart,
You who, strong as a herd
Of demons, came, crazy and arrayed,

From my humbled spirit
To make your bed and your estate;
Infamous one, to whom I am bound
Like the convict to the chain,

Like the game to the stubborn gambler,
Like the bottle to the drunkard,
Like the vermin to the carcass,
—Cursed, damned, be you!

I have prayed the rapid blade
To capture my liberty,
And I have told the treacherous poison
To rescue my cowardice.

Alas! The poison and the blade
Have taken me in disdain and have said to me:
“You are not worthy for one to remove you
From your cursed slavery,

Idiot!—from her empire
If our efforts delivered you,
Your kisses would resuscitate
The corpse of your vampire!”

Le Vampire
Toi qui, comme un coup de couteau,
Dans mon coeur plaintif es entrée;
Toi qui, forte comme un troupeau
De démons, vins, folle et parée,

De mon esprit humilié
Faire ton lit et ton domaine;
— Infâme à qui je suis lié
Comme le forçat à la chaîne,

Comme au jeu le joueur têtu,
Comme à la bouteille l'ivrogne,
Comme aux vermines la charogne
— Maudite, maudite sois-tu!

J'ai prié le glaive rapide
De conquérir ma liberté,
Et j'ai dit au poison perfide
De secourir ma lâcheté.

Hélas! le poison et le glaive
M'ont pris en dédain et m'ont dit:
«Tu n'es pas digne qu'on t'enlève
À ton esclavage maudit,

Imbécile! — de son empire
Si nos efforts te délivraient,
Tes baisers ressusciteraient
Le cadavre de ton vampire!»

If he refuses to accept my friend request I will completely lose it.

Monday, August 4, 2008

De profundis clamavi

True to form, Baudelaire's ennui seems to match mine. The past few days have been hard: mostly listless with the occasional acute crying jag, which normally takes place at the most inappropriate time and location. I haven't cried like this since La Jolla, around this time last year. I cry all the time, sure, but mostly over stupid shit. And it's mostly out of rage. This time it was just from helplessness and the knowledge that things will never, ever be the way I want them to be. Stupid. Stupid.

But he held time still for me, for a little while. The day before he left R. and I were fretting and discussing, chewing on our cigarettes and ruing his evasiveness. He would not say goodbye, we thought. But he did. To both of us. It was literally hours and I had given up hope. But he made it beautiful before he crushed my dreams by walking away. We talked for hours, muttering and hypothesizing. What if, what if. What if nothing, it's all over now.

No buildings fell down, though.

Sometimes I wonder if Baudelaire is reading my mind or if I am simply molding my despair to fit his. Who knows.

From the Depths I Cried
I implore your mercy, You, the only one that I love,
From the lowly chasm where my heart has fallen,
It is a dreary universe sealed by the horizon,
Where horror and blasphemy swim in the night;

A sun without warmth glides above six months,
And the other six months night covers the earth;
It is a country more bare than the artic land
—Neither beasts, nor brooks, nor greens, nor woods!

Yet it is not the horror in the world that transcends
The cold cruelty of that icy sun
And that immense night like the old Chaos;

I envy the lot of the loathsome animals
Who can plunge themselves into a stupid sleep,
So long the web of time unwinds!

De profundis clamavi
J'implore ta pitié, Toi, l'unique que j'aime,
Du fond du gouffre obscur où mon coeur est tombé.
C'est un univers morne à l'horizon plombé,
Où nagent dans la nuit l'horreur et le blasphème;

Un soleil sans chaleur plane au-dessus six mois,
Et les six autres mois la nuit couvre la terre;
C'est un pays plus nu que la terre polaire
— Ni bêtes, ni ruisseaux, ni verdure, ni bois!

Or il n'est pas d'horreur au monde qui surpasse
La froide cruauté de ce soleil de glace
Et cette immense nuit semblable au vieux Chaos;

Je jalouse le sort des plus vils animaux
Qui peuvent se plonger dans un sommeil stupide,
Tant l'écheveau du temps lentement se dévide!