Wednesday, June 4, 2008


This is barely a poem at all but simply a note of dedication to Baudelaire's friend Théophile Gautier.
It is the first translation posted here. More to follow either tomorrow or tonight depending on whether or not I decide I want to go on another drinking spree.


Au poète impeccable
Au parfait magicien ès lettres françaises
A mon très-cher et très-vénéré
Maître et ami
Théophile Gautier
Avec les sentiments
De la plus profonde humilité
Je dédie
Ces fleurs maladives


To the impeccable poet,
To the perfect magician in French letters
To my very-dear and very-venerated
Master and friend
Théophile Gautier
With sentiments
Of more profound humility
I dedicate
These morbid flowers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"More to follow either tomorrow or tonight depending on whether or not I decide I want to go on another drinking spree."

One should always translate Baudilare in the proper spirit!